Easy Spaces, a film location and shooting agency in Paris, specializing in location scouting and sets for film and photography, presents the AFC, the French Association of Cinematographic Directors of Photography based in Paris in the 18th arrondissement.
The AFC gathers the main French directors of photography, at the highest technical and artistic level of French and foreign film productions, many of which have won awards at national and international festivals.
The different members are co-opted by their colleagues, and the collaboration with the institutions of the cinema, and the suppliers of the film industry allows to defend the quality of the visual, and the cinematographic images.
We can recall in passing that the word photography comes from the ancient Greek φωτός (light), and means: Writing with light.
The location scouts of Easy Spaces are sensitive to the quality of the light in the visited locations, and are conscious of the importance of this one at the time of the shootings, that it is about video, short films or feature films turned in Paris.
8 rue Francœur
75018 Paris