Rental location for Filming & Shooting in Paris Cannes Lyon Nice, Rent for shooting in south of France - french riviera : Legal notice

Legal notice

Company Name: EASY SPACES / s.a.r.l Easy Production
Siret number: 447 996 398 000 49
Owner's name: Chevreuil
Address of the company: 7 Rue de Bône - 06400 Cannes - France
Address of the head office of the company: Easy Spaces / Easy Production, 7 Rue de Bône - 06400 Cannes - France

Website editor : Easy Spaces
Publication director : Easy Spaces
Editorial Manager : Easy Spaces
Hosting : JALIS - 160, Rue Albert Einstein - 13013 MARSEILLE
Webmaster : JALIS - 02/2014
JALIS : Web Agency